NBA Draft

Connecting Athletes, Teams, and Brands


Since 2009, our mission has been to increase the visibility of basketball players to teams at all levels. Today, our events and scouting services showcase student-athletes to teams and brands.


Gotham Hoops Classic

An annual in-season showcase, the Gotham Hoops Classic brings together high school teams from diverse regions across the U.S. and Canada. This platform offers student-athletes the opportunity to showcase their talents in front of college coaches from both two-and-four year programs.

Gotham Hoops Invitational

The Gotham Hoops Invitational, held annually from 2014 through 2019, provided graduating men’s college players with a unique opportunity to compete before professional scouts and agents. Over the years, more than 150 alumni have gone on to sign contracts with teams in over 50 leagues across 30 countries.

Since our inception in 2009, our scouting reports have discovered countless hidden gems in the basketball world. We offer comprehensive evaluations on prospects of all ages, providing invaluable insights to college coaching staffs.

We're proud to announce that our service is NCAA-approved for the 2024-25 season, in compliance with NCAA bylaws, policies, and procedures. Division I basketball coaches are permitted to subscribe to our recruiting/scouting service. For more information or to subscribe for the upcoming year, please click here: